Unstuck & Unstoppable congruence designyourlife dreambig Nov 10, 2023

There is no better feeling than when we are moving from feeling stuck to becoming unstoppable, igniting the fire that burns within! So, how do we learn how to reignite our passion and purpose to become unstuck and unstoppable?

Feeling stuck is a common human experience. Acknowledge the emotions...

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Overcoming Overwhelm consciousness designyourlife empowerment Aug 31, 2023

In the fast-paced world we live in, it's not uncommon to find ourselves drowning in a sea of commitments, tasks, and responsibilities. It's that sensation of being buried beneath a mountain of to-dos, often accompanied by a racing mind and a sense of helplessness. It can stem from work pressures,...

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Design Your Dream Life designyourlife dreambig empowerment Aug 07, 2023

The first step to turning dreams into reality is to envision them with clarity and intention. To get that clarity, we need to know what matters most to us. If you’ve never invested the time in learning what your core values are, I encourage you to do so. Aligning our actions with our core...

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Mastering the Mindset of Success confidence designyourlife empowerment Jul 31, 2023

Focussing on our mindset really is key because it shapes our path to success. And who doesn’t want to achieve their goals and aspirations, right?! Once we are able to understand how we can get our neurobiology to work for, not against us, we can unlock incredible opportunities to create a...

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Are you living your life in fear or freedom? awareness choices designyourlife empowerment May 12, 2023



As a mindset coach, who is passionate about empowering my clients to live their best lives, I often encounter people who feel trapped and stuck in their own lives. They feel like they are living in a constant state of fear and anxiety, unable to break free from the negative thoughts...

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If nothing changes, nothing changes... designyourlife livingwithintent newyear reflections Dec 30, 2022

As the year draws to a close, I hear comments like “I’ll be glad to see the back of this year” or “Let’s hope next year doesn’t blow as badly as this one has”, so a good question to ask is, what has to change, so that next year and every year after that,...

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